6 Jul 21
Market Review and Prediction:
Bursa Wall Street pada perdagangan Senin libur memperingati Hari Kemerdekaan AS. Data indikator ekonomi AS yang akan dirilis pada pekan ini diantaranya indeks ISM non manufacturing, FOMC minutes dan initial claims. Indeks bursa Eropa pada perdagangan kemarin ditutup menguat yang antara lain didukung oleh sentiment positif dari data aktivitas bisnis di area euro yang mengalami kenaikan pada bulan Juni. Indeks PMI final area euro pada bulan Juni menunjukkan aktivitas bisnis mengalami kenaikan terbesar dalam 15 tahun terakhir pada level 59,5. Sementara itu pertemuan OPEC+ yang dijadwalkan berlangsung kemarin, ditunda sampai waktu yang akan ditentukan kemudian karena belum tercapainya kesepakatan mengenai kenaikan produksi minyak. Sebelumnya OPEC+ melakukan voting atas usulan untuk menaikkan produksi minyak sebanyak 2 juta bpd antara Agustus hingga akhir tahun ini dengan kenaikan 400 ribu bpd per bulan. Namun voting tersebut tidak mencapai kesepakatan. Sehingga OPEC+ akan melanjutkan kuota produksi yang berlaku saat ini.
IHSG pada perdagangan Senin 5 Juli 2021 ditutup melemah 0,29% pada level 6005. Saham sektor consumer noncyclical mengalami koreksi terbesar. Investor asing net sell Rp326,26 miliar. Pada perdagangan hari ini IHSG diperkirakan bergerak pada kisaran support 5970/5950 dan resistance 6030/6050. Stock pick: TBIG, TOWR, INCO, ANTM, TINS, EMTK
Bursa Wall Street pada perdagangan Senin libur memperingati Hari Kemerdekaan AS. Data indikator ekonomi AS yang akan dirilis pada pekan ini diantaranya indeks ISM non manufacturing, FOMC minutes dan initial claims. Indeks bursa Eropa pada perdagangan kemarin ditutup menguat yang antara lain didukung oleh sentiment positif dari data aktivitas bisnis di area euro yang mengalami kenaikan pada bulan Juni. Indeks PMI final area euro pada bulan Juni menunjukkan aktivitas bisnis mengalami kenaikan terbesar dalam 15 tahun terakhir pada level 59,5. Sementara itu pertemuan OPEC+ yang dijadwalkan berlangsung kemarin, ditunda sampai waktu yang akan ditentukan kemudian karena belum tercapainya kesepakatan mengenai kenaikan produksi minyak. Sebelumnya OPEC+ melakukan voting atas usulan untuk menaikkan produksi minyak sebanyak 2 juta bpd antara Agustus hingga akhir tahun ini dengan kenaikan 400 ribu bpd per bulan. Namun voting tersebut tidak mencapai kesepakatan. Sehingga OPEC+ akan melanjutkan kuota produksi yang berlaku saat ini.
IHSG pada perdagangan Senin 5 Juli 2021 ditutup melemah 0,29% pada level 6005. Saham sektor consumer noncyclical mengalami koreksi terbesar. Investor asing net sell Rp326,26 miliar. Pada perdagangan hari ini IHSG diperkirakan bergerak pada kisaran support 5970/5950 dan resistance 6030/6050. Stock pick: TBIG, TOWR, INCO, ANTM, TINS, EMTK
• AUTO tambah modal PT Toyoda Gosei Indonesia sebesar Rp23,28 miliar
• GOOD akan stock split 1:5 dengan cum date pada 8 Juli 2021
• ASII melalui anak usahanya tambah modal PT Astra Digital Arta sebesar Rp195,53 miliar
• EMTK tambah 1,05% saham SAME pada harga Rp630/saham, sehingga kepemilikan EMTK di SAME menjadi 74,94%
• BHIT berencana rights issue 12,95 miliar saham dan private placement 778,04 juta saham
• Laba bersih HEXA turun 33% selama periode tahun fiskal April 2020-Maret 2021
• UNTR naikkan target penjualan alat berat dari 1700 unit menjadi 2500-2600 unit
• PWON optimis capai target penjualan Rp1,4 triliun, dari per Maret yang mencapai Rp427 miliar
• Masa penundaan kewajiban pembayaran bunga obligasi MDLN diperpanjang hingga 31 Agustus 2021
• Kuartal I/2021 laba bersih DEWA tumbuh 26,9%
• Fountain City Investment jual 3,105 miliar saham BNBR sehingga kepemilikannya berkurang menjadi 18,82% dari sebelumnya 33,49%
• SQMI selama kuartal I/2021 telah jual 1.047 gram emas
• SSIA menerima pinjaman tahap kedua dari IFC senilai USD35 juta yang akan digunakan untuk pembangunan hijau berkelanjutan pada proyek Subang
• Melalui KlikDokter, KLBF bantu program telemedicine Covid-19
• Anak usaha DOID dapat pinjaman dari BMRI USD350 juta
• Pefindo tegaskan peringkat WSKT pada idBBB dengan outlook stabil
• Reminder: hari ini listing PT Bundamedik Tbk (BMHS) dengan harga IPO Rp340/saham
• Reminder: hari ini cum dividen IMJS (Rp0,25), IMAS (Rp 4), AMAG (Rp50)
This report is prepared strictly for private circulation only to clients of PT Waterfront Sekuritas Indonesia. It is purposed only to person having professional experience in matters relating to investments. The information contained in this report has been taken from sources which we deem reliable. No warranty (express or implied) is made to the accuracy or completeness of the information. All opinions and estimates included in this report constitute our judgments as of this date, without regards to its fairness, and are subject to change without notice. However, none of PT Waterfront Sekuritas Indonesia and/or its affiliated companies and/or their respective employees and/or agents makes any representation or warranty (express or implied) or accepts any responsibility or liability as to, or in relation to, the accuracy or completeness of the information and opinions contained in this report or as to any information contained in this report or any other such information or opinions remaining unchanged after the issue thereof. We expressly disclaim any responsibility or liability (express or implied), its affiliated companies and their respective employees and agents whatsoever and howsoever arising (including, without limitation for any claims, proceedings, action, suits, losses, expenses, damages or costs) which may be brought against or suffered by any person as a results of acting in reliance upon the whole or any part of the contents of this report and neither PT Waterfront Sekuritas Indonesia, its affiliated companies or their respective employees or agents accepts liability for any errors, omissions or misstatements, negligent or otherwise, in the report and any liability in respect of the report or any inaccuracy therein or omission there from which might otherwise arise is hereby expresses disclaimed. This document is not an offer to sell or a solicitation to buy any securities. This firms and its affiliates and their officers and employees may have a position, make markets, act as principal or engage in transaction in securities or related investments of any company mentioned herein, may perform services for or solicit business from any company mentioned herein, and may have acted upon or used any of the recommendations herein before they have been provided to you. © PT Waterfront Sekuritas Indonesia 2021
This report is prepared strictly for private circulation only to clients of PT Waterfront Sekuritas Indonesia. It is purposed only to person having professional experience in matters relating to investments. The information contained in this report has been taken from sources which we deem reliable. No warranty (express or implied) is made to the accuracy or completeness of the information. All opinions and estimates included in this report constitute our judgments as of this date, without regards to its fairness, and are subject to change without notice. However, none of PT Waterfront Sekuritas Indonesia and/or its affiliated companies and/or their respective employees and/or agents makes any representation or warranty (express or implied) or accepts any responsibility or liability as to, or in relation to, the accuracy or completeness of the information and opinions contained in this report or as to any information contained in this report or any other such information or opinions remaining unchanged after the issue thereof. We expressly disclaim any responsibility or liability (express or implied), its affiliated companies and their respective employees and agents whatsoever and howsoever arising (including, without limitation for any claims, proceedings, action, suits, losses, expenses, damages or costs) which may be brought against or suffered by any person as a results of acting in reliance upon the whole or any part of the contents of this report and neither PT Waterfront Sekuritas Indonesia, its affiliated companies or their respective employees or agents accepts liability for any errors, omissions or misstatements, negligent or otherwise, in the report and any liability in respect of the report or any inaccuracy therein or omission there from which might otherwise arise is hereby expresses disclaimed. This document is not an offer to sell or a solicitation to buy any securities. This firms and its affiliates and their officers and employees may have a position, make markets, act as principal or engage in transaction in securities or related investments of any company mentioned herein, may perform services for or solicit business from any company mentioned herein, and may have acted upon or used any of the recommendations herein before they have been provided to you. © PT Waterfront Sekuritas Indonesia 2021
Published on 2021-07-06 05:30:21 (GMT +7)